Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Final Destination

Here I am thinking that I am done with all the complications and then I get to the Majuro airport on Thursday morning. I get through security fine and make my way up to the agent. Lets pause here for a second. The security checks in Majuro for your check in bags are very sketch. They just open your bag and then just kind of look around a bit. Lift this up here, that up there, and move that to the side and the cram everything back in not even close to the way they found it. But, they didn’t even check my whole bag. Anyways, I finally get to the agent who is going to check me in and she takes a close look at my ticket and says this is for the date April 13,2012. I was just in awe and thought to myself, man, you have got to be kidding me. It all worked out and the agent lady was very nice and straightened out my ticket.
 I have FINALLY made it to Ebeye; Wow, what a long jouney!!!! It feels like I have been traveling forever. Ebeye is…… different. There are SOOOO many people here, just crammed wherever they can possibly be. Kids running around everywhere, dogs running around everywhere, garbage everywhere on the streets, houses almost touching each other, small gravel roads, beat up cars, horrible aroma in the air, houses that about to fall apart, everything is flat, ocean surrounding us, beaches filled with garbage, and barely any trees. That pretty much sums Ebeye up. On the flip side of all the negative, the people are very nice, kids just want to be around the missionaries all the time, everyone says hi, the breeze of the ocean, and no rabies with the stray dogs so they are all friendly.
I really enjoyed my first day here. I have not taught any classes yet, but I am waiting in anticipation! I observed my classes that I will be teaching and it should be interesting to see the outcome. I have finally gotten my schedule from the principle here. I will be teaching 6,7,8 grade science, 9th grade English and 9, 10th PE for boys. I made my first lesson plans today. That only took 4 hours. Hopefully they go a little faster next week. I cannot wait to start teaching. I am going thoroughly going to enjoy giving my students home work and tests. I got to go snorkeling yesterday and I saw a stingray for the first time. It was probably like a foot and half in diameter, but unfortunately I did not have my camera. I was very upset, but I’m sure I will get another chance.
Even though my schedule is a little rough, I know that God would not give me anything that I cannot handle, so I am ready for this task. I am excited to see how I can use myself to show God through me to these kids. He has a good plan for me over here and I am ready to execute it. Until next time!!


  1. Crazy...awesome...your attitude is fantastic. Prayers continue!

  2. Yep, your description is spot-on. Keep up the great attitude, though. The kids probably love you already!

  3. Yes they do Ashlee you are correct!
